The many faces of Aubrie

We dedicate this blog to the many faces of Aubrie. She blessed me individually with faces exhibiting everything from agony to the stink eye, content to contempt, happy to hapless. Understandably, she’s a teenager and I probably don’t need to explain more than that.

Judging by those faces…

Most of these pictures will be from our adventures in Costa Rica, and of those, a majority will be from our time at Samara Tattoo. No one makes great faces in a tattoo artist’s chair. I admit that I could try to find better pictures but what’s the fun in that? And I’m sure that as we travel more, you will see her face in different parts of the world. I promise I will update this blog whenever she does something silly. Or maybe after she does ten silly things to give myself time; she’s guaranteed for at least one silly thing a day, sometimes more. For the most real-time updates, you can check out her Instagram account.

…what is she thinking?

“Just take the picture…I am stuffed from all this food at Gingerbread’s in Arenal.”
“Oh, you like the view at La Roca? I AM the view.”


“See how the sun illuminates my angelic face?”
“This tattoo is gonna hurt? Yeah right.”
“Oh, the needle is touching my skin…”


“…it tickles a little.”
“I’m just going to grin through it…”




“Don’t worry guys. I got this.”


“Aaaaahhhh! He stopped for a second.”


“Mooooom. He started up again.”


“Hmmmph! That wasn’t so bad.”


“Is the day over yet?”
Miss Aubrie on her way to a real photo shoot. She will appear in a furniture advertisement in China.

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2 thoughts on “The many faces of Aubrie

  1. Pat says:

    oh my gosh what a beautiful and brave young woman. Aub. don’t forget to show us your new addition when you are ready.

    Miss you all. Pat

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